
A Guide to Portable XRF Calibrations

The portable XRF has many calibration options, which are designed to analyse a wide variety of materials. With so many on offer it is easy to feel overwhelmed when trying to choose the best calibration option for your application. This is why Portable Spectral Services are going back to calibration basics and looking into what […]

The use of XRF for light element geochemical analysis

Portable Spectral Services and the University of Western Australia publish findings of collaborative study on light element analysis using portable XRF Cameron Adams (University of Western Australia and Portable Spectral Services) and Christabel Brand (Portable Spectral Services) recently published their findings from a comprehensive study involving the use of portable XRF for light element (e.g. Na, […]

Tips & Tricks for the collection of quality portable XRF data

  These principles below will provide a good basis for understanding quality XRF data from analysis. We aim to set even the most novice of users on the right track to collecting reliable portable XRF data that will stand the test of time. Accuracy and Precision The general saying is that “portable XRF instruments are […]

Precision and Accuracy

precision and accuracy graphic

Precision and accuracy are two of the most important concepts to understand when thinking about pXRF technology. “Portable XRF instruments are precise but not accurate.” Automatically this statement can cause unease with portable XRF users, but it shouldn’t. Understanding precision and accuracy will help any portable XRF user embrace this statement! What is Precision? Precision […]

Why light elements are difficult to measure with portable XRF

Periodic table with light elements highlighted

Periodic Table of Elements highlighting the light elements As we know, portable XRF technology works by bombarding samples with X-rays and causing their atoms to fluoresce characteristic X-rays of the elements that they contain. The energy of the fluorescent X-rays corresponds directly to the atomic number of the element. Light elements have energy levels that […]

How to get the most from your data with the help of Certified Reference Material

How to get the most from your data with the help of Certified Reference Material (CRM) Certified Reference Materials (CRM) are of great assistance with portable XRF data Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QAQC). CRM’s provide a check for elemental concentrations, in addition to checking for low level contamination of the XRF instrument. A question […]

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