Portable Spectral Services aims to educate, expand and explore all that spectral technology has to offer. To actively work towards this goal, PSS launched the YouTube Channel Professor Spectrum in 2019.

The channel’s aim is to create a space to learn about spectral technology. This includes the specifics, such as changing a window, to the broad ideas of how it micro XRF fits into the mining industry.

Bruker S1 TITAN

How to delete data off Bruker S1 TITAN

How to pack up the BRUKER S1 TITAN

For more videos on the Bruker S1 TITAN – visit our YouTube Channel Professor Spectrum

Bruker M4 TORNADO Micro-XRF

Bruker M4 TORNADO scan of a Gold Quartz Reef Sample in under 1 minute (Micro XRF)

Bruker M4 TORNADO scan of Weathered Gossan Sample in under 1 minute (Micro XRF)

For more videos on the Bruker M4 TORNADO Micro-XRF – visit our YouTube Channel Professor Spectrum

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