
Enhancing Geochemical Visualization in Exploration: Part 2

micro XRF elemental scan of gold. Includes Al, Si, K, Au, Hg.

Part 1 One of the fastest ways for humans to store information in their long-term memory is to pair concepts with meaningful images. Visual learning has been found to have cognitive effects that stimulate imagination, therefore, enabling users to process the information faster. Neuroscientists from MIT (1) have found that the human brain can process […]

Enhancing Geochemical Visualization in Exploration: Part 1

Four micro XRF elemental scans

Geochemical visualization of identified chemical trends is challenging during exploration when data is limited. While geochemical assay datasets are highly valuable, the use of visual tools can often simplify the ability to identify and track chemical and mineralogical trends and display the key characteristics of an exploration target to a wider audience. To quote American […]

Heavy Mineral Concentrates for mineral exploration

micro XRF scan of heavy mineral concetrates

Download our HMC Brochure Australia is the home to the world’s largest heavy mineral deposits containing titanium, zircon, and rare earth elements as well as heavy mineral concentrates (HMC) extracted from surficial sediments in alluvial, fluvial, glacial and wind environments. Early-stage exploration and processing of heavy minerals utilises techniques such as gravity and magnetic separation […]

What is your money really worth? | Micro-XRF

micro-XRF elemental map of coins

Over the course of Australian history the coins used in circulation have changed multiple times from hole-punched Spanish coins to Dutch guilders, English pennies and now the Australian Dollar. One of the issues we have faced during these transitions is when the material value of the coin outweighs its value as a currency. What is […]

Delivering Christmas joy with the micro-XRF

Christmas stamps

Portable Spectral Services (PSS) are getting into the Christmas spirit as we scan a pair of vintage Australian postage stamps dated from 1973 using micro-XRF. Figure 1. 1973 Australian Christmas stamps, designed by George Hamori. a) The baptism of Christ with the words “This is My Beloved Son”, b) The Good Shepherd with the words […]

Application of Spectral Instruments in Exploration, Discovery and Development of Mineral Deposits: A case history

The application of portable Raman spectroscopy (pRaman), portable XRF (pXRF), and micro-XRF (µXRF) proved invaluable during the exploration, delineation and development of the Sinclair Caesium Mine, Western Australia. This article provides an insight into the application of combined spectral technologies in the exploration for, and development of mineral deposits. An algorithm to estimate the lithium […]

Micro XRF: Resolving the question of resolution

micro-XRF elemental map of iron, sulfur, bismuth, tellurium, bromine, silver and iodine at various resolutions

Micro-XRF technology provides unique access to a scale of contextual chemistry that has previously not been widely utilised in industry. The instrument provides chemical information mapped at a multi-micron scale for samples up to 20cm in length (Fig 1). This has its advantages as it bridges the gap between the restricted small scale of Scanning […]

Nickel Sulphides: The flavour of the month

element map of half core rock

In collaboration with Portable Spectral Services, four companies have utilised μ-XRF technology to gain valuable information from Nickel sulphide samples. Preliminary data on these samples have been released as part of their ASX announcements in the last month to support findings from their respective deposits. Half core samples were analysed with the μ-XRF without any […]

We all love a cheeky bit of chocolate

three chocolates

We all love a cheeky bit of chocolate. No wonder, the botanical name for the cocoa tree is Theobroma cacao, which translates to “food of the gods.” As simple as it is to enjoy, it is one of most complex chemical mixtures known (over 1500 flavour components identified!).[1] Per capita for consumption, European’s take out […]

Power of the future: Uncovering the secrets of the NCA battery

Diagram of NCA Battery

Lithium-ion batteries come in a range of shapes, sizes and compositions, and these batteries are revolutionizing the way we produce, conserve, and use electricity. Since the late 1990s, advances in lithium-ion battery technology has been driven by the ever-increasing demand for mobile phones, laptops and other portable electronics. This technology has now been comprehensively applied […]

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