What Makes Uranium Glass? | Micro-XRF

Uranium glass glowing under UV light

To delve into a deeper understanding of uranium glass, such as its elemental makeup, micro-XRF is the perfect technique for measurement. Providing visualisation at a high-spatial resolution up to 4µm, combined with its output data, the micro-XRF conducts in-depth non-destructive elemental analysis.   Background As antiques go, uranium glass is one of the most unique […]

Enhancing Geochemical Visualization in Exploration: Part 2

micro XRF elemental scan of gold. Includes Al, Si, K, Au, Hg.

Part 1 One of the fastest ways for humans to store information in their long-term memory is to pair concepts with meaningful images. Visual learning has been found to have cognitive effects that stimulate imagination, therefore, enabling users to process the information faster. Neuroscientists from MIT (1) have found that the human brain can process […]

Detecting Low Level Gold by BRUKER pXRF

Portable PPB detector process to detect gold with pXRF

Historically, detecting low levels of gold in the field with pXRF has been a challenging process with no truly accessible methodologies available. Portable ppb Pty Ltd’s DetectORE™ technology brings compatibility for the detection of low-level gold by pXRF analysis. DetectORE™  is a patented technology to detect gold at low level concertation’s (<20 ppb) using a portable XRF such as […]

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