
Signal To Noise in XRF Technology

Findings of an ongoing regional evaluation study over concealed Proterozoic lithologies known to host magmatic nickel sulphides with potential to host other base-metal, gold and rare earth elements (“REE”) systems within the Fraser Range, Western Australia.

Exploring Rare Earth Elements

Demand for Rare Earth Elements (REE) continues to increase as the globe migrates to renewable energy. Exploration for REE have significantly increased over the last 18 months to meet this increasing demand. In order to match this demand for REE exploration, Portable Spectral Services (PSS) has developed a REE Index for use on portable-XRF instruments, providing […]

Detecting Low Level Gold by BRUKER pXRF

Portable PPB detector process to detect gold with pXRF

Historically, detecting low levels of gold in the field with pXRF has been a challenging process with no truly accessible methodologies available. Portable ppb Pty Ltd’s DetectORE™ technology brings compatibility for the detection of low-level gold by pXRF analysis. DetectORE™  is a patented technology to detect gold at low level concertation’s (<20 ppb) using a portable XRF such as […]

The New and Improved S1 TITAN Models

Bruker S1 TITAN with computer

At the beginning of 2021, Bruker released an exciting announcement that the Bruker S1 TITAN portable XRF models were receiving an upgrade. Following in the steps of the TRACER 5g, these improved S1 TITAN models will be receiving the new and improved graphene window. Most notably, this graphene window will replace the use of an 8 µm beryllium window […]

Rare Earth Elements: The most critical and strategic elements on the planet

Rare Earth Elements calibration screen S1 TITAN

Introduction The dominance of China in the rare earths industry has forced the USA, Russia, European Union, Japan, Australia, and other countries to formulate policies and implement strategies to ensure the security and sustainability of rare earth elements (REE) to reduce dependency on Chinese supplies. Notably, in 2020 the European Union’s report on critical raw […]

Application of Spectral Instruments in Exploration, Discovery and Development of Mineral Deposits: A case history

The application of portable Raman spectroscopy (pRaman), portable XRF (pXRF), and micro-XRF (µXRF) proved invaluable during the exploration, delineation and development of the Sinclair Caesium Mine, Western Australia. This article provides an insight into the application of combined spectral technologies in the exploration for, and development of mineral deposits. An algorithm to estimate the lithium […]

Customising your Geochemistry

graph showing portable XRF geochemistry

As we all know, no two deposits geochemistry are exactly alike. Each one comes with its own unique characteristics and challenges. Defining the geochemistry of a deposit is a critical step that often requires a significant amount of time and expense. In the past decade, the use of portable XRF (pXRF) instruments to provide rapid […]

Tips & Tricks for the collection of quality portable XRF data

  These principles below will provide a good basis for understanding quality XRF data from analysis. We aim to set even the most novice of users on the right track to collecting reliable portable XRF data that will stand the test of time. Accuracy and Precision The general saying is that “portable XRF instruments are […]

Detecting light elements with portable XRF

Periodic table with light elements highlighted

Portable XRF technology has improved dramatically over the last decade to the point that your average handheld instrument can measure from uranium, all the way down to light elements such as magnesium. Improvements in the lighter elements is primarily down to the development of silicon drift detectors (SDD). These detectors can count more energy peaks […]

Precision and Accuracy

precision and accuracy graphic

Precision and accuracy are two of the most important concepts to understand when thinking about pXRF technology. “Portable XRF instruments are precise but not accurate.” Automatically this statement can cause unease with portable XRF users, but it shouldn’t. Understanding precision and accuracy will help any portable XRF user embrace this statement! What is Precision? Precision […]

Why light elements are difficult to measure with portable XRF

Periodic table with light elements highlighted

Periodic Table of Elements highlighting the light elements As we know, portable XRF technology works by bombarding samples with X-rays and causing their atoms to fluoresce characteristic X-rays of the elements that they contain. The energy of the fluorescent X-rays corresponds directly to the atomic number of the element. Light elements have energy levels that […]

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