
RAMAN Spectroscopy: Rapid identification of lithium bearing minerals

Field identification of mineral phases within LCT pegmatite systems has been made simple with the handheld Bruker BRAVO Raman with duo laser excitation (Figure 1). Figure 1. Bruker’s handheld BRAVO Raman What is Raman Spectroscopy? Raman is a form of vibrational spectroscopy that generates a spectrum by directing a monochromatic light from a laser onto a sample […]

Application of Spectral Instruments in Exploration, Discovery and Development of Mineral Deposits: A case history

The application of portable Raman spectroscopy (pRaman), portable XRF (pXRF), and micro-XRF (µXRF) proved invaluable during the exploration, delineation and development of the Sinclair Caesium Mine, Western Australia. This article provides an insight into the application of combined spectral technologies in the exploration for, and development of mineral deposits. An algorithm to estimate the lithium […]

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